6 Week Challenge Questionnaire

Hello Fit & Shine fam! I am really excited that you are interested in joining my 6 week challenge! I am here to help you along the way. We will motivate eachother, I will check on you from time to time and help you become the best version of yourself!! I have set up a questionnaire for you (may take up to 20-30 minutes to fill out) so I can get to know you better, what you’re goals/motivations are and what you would like to accomplish with my 6 week fitness challenge!

*Please copy and paste questionnaire below with your responses and send it to my email address at kdeleon20@live.com*

I will keep you posted and keep in touch when the challenge will start! It all starts with your mindset so be ready! Looking forward to slay this 6 week challenge with you!! We got this!

*6 Week Challenge/Fitness Journey Questionnaire*

1. Name? Age?

2. Current weight? Realistic weight after 6 weeks/How much would you like to lose?

3. Medication(s) and Health History

4. What does your daily diet comprise of?

5. What are your goals for this 6 week challenge?

6. What would you like to improve on?

7. What could prevent you from achieving your fitness goals? (Work, school, kids, etc.)

8. What is motivating you to join my 6 week challenge?

9. How will health and fitness support your goals for yourself?

10. Are there fitness or exercise programs you enjoy? If so, what?

11. Are there certain exercises you dislike?

12. Do you have a favorite exercise you feel good at?

13. How much time can you commit to the routines given? (30min-1hr a day? 3-5 times a week?)

14. When is the last time you kept to an exercise routine? (Ex: 3 times per week?) How long did this last? Why did it stop?

15. How would you describe your health/fitness journey up until this point?

16. Top reason for joining my 6 week challenge?

17. Do you prefer morning, afternoon, evening or night workouts?

18. What motivates you the most when working out?

19. What would you say is your biggest obstacle for reaching your fitness goals?

20. What are three things you would like to get out of from my 6 week challenge?

All done! Thank you for your time!! It may be a great idea to write down in a notebook the questions/your answers or copy/paste this questionnaire for your eyes only to help motivate and look back to remind you to keep slaying throughout this 6 week challenge and your fitness journey!

*Don’t forget to send me your answers along with the questions at kdeleon20@live.com *

All is confidential and will not be shared to others who are part of the 6 week challenge.

Thank you again!

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